Daventry in top 10 most sustainable areas in England

PresenterHelen Skelton has teamed-up with Smart EnergyGBto celebrate the leading communitiesrecognised as Areas for a Beautiful Future.PresenterHelen Skelton has teamed-up with Smart EnergyGBto celebrate the leading communitiesrecognised as Areas for a Beautiful Future.
PresenterHelen Skelton has teamed-up with Smart EnergyGBto celebrate the leading communitiesrecognised as Areas for a Beautiful Future.
Daventry is among the top 10 most sustainable areas of England, according to a poll by Smart Energy GB.

As part of its campaign for a smarter Britain, Smart Energy GB has compiled an index celebrating the communities across the country that are "creating a more sustainable future".

West Lothian came out top overall with Daventry seventh.

The top 10 are the areas leading the way across England based on an index of two simple and cost-free actions people are doing – getting a smart meter and recycling.

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Presenter Helen Skelton has teamed-up with Smart Energy GB to celebrate the leading communities recognised as ‘Areas for a Beautiful Future’.

She said: "Small actions really do add up to make a difference.

"By getting a smart meter you’re taking a small step towards a more sustainable future for everyone.

"It doesn’t cost you anything and is so easy to do, just search: ‘I want a smart meter’ or call 0300 131 8000."

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Smart Energy GB says that 75 per cent of Brits still think they could do more to be more sustainable and energy efficient in the home, with a third (33 per cent) being worried about their children or grandchildren’s futures.

Their poll of 2,000 Brits also revealed a fifth (20 per cent) think it costs too much, over a quarter (26 per cent) believe it’s too much effort and one in 10 feel they won’t make an impact as one individual.

Two fifths (39 per cent) of those polled were not aware that filling up the fridge (even if it’s with bottles of tap water) is more energy efficient – therefore being more sustainable – a simple, cost-free step which can be taken in the home.

Robert Cheesewright, director of corporate affairs for Smart Energy GB, said: "It’s great to see that communities, individuals and families up and down Great Britain are taking simple, small steps towards a greener tomorrow.

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"Smart meters can’t solve climate change on their own, but they are the building blocks of a reliable, clean and affordable energy system for the future.

"We’d like to congratulate all of those identified by our top 30 Index.

Smart Energy GB's research also revealed:

- Almost one quarter (23 per cent) admitted they are aware of the environmental benefits of taking shorter showers but don’t make the effort to do so

- Almost half (49 per cent) buy bottles of water in plastic bottles, and similarly, almost a half (45 per cent) still boil more water in the kettle than needed

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- Almost a third (32 per cent) will leave lights on in empty rooms.

- Over a third (37 per cent) use the car instead of walking and/or taking public transport

- Fifty per cent of those polled admitted to leaving appliances on standby

- Just 15 per cent encourage friends and family to be more sustainable on a regular basis, which is surprising when four in 10 (40 per cent) feel guilty when they know they could have done more to be more energy efficient