Uncertainty so frustrating for bowler Ben Sanderson and Northants team-mates

Northants bowler Ben SandersonNorthants bowler Ben Sanderson
Northants bowler Ben Sanderson | Getty
Ben Sanderson has admitted it is difficult coming to terms with the fact that he and the rest of the Northants squad don’t have ‘a goal to work towards’ in terms of a return to playing.

Like all sport across the country, cricket is currently suspended with the season on hold until the end of May at least, although it is likely to be longer than that before anything resumes due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Northants had been scheduled to start their season with a Championship clash at Edgbaston this week, but instead, along with the rest of the County squad, Sanderson is currently on furlough.

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He is doing his best to try to stay in shape until the time he is recalled to the County Ground to start work, but says the fact that nobody can as yet put their finger on what is going to happen in terms of the virus, the lockdown and any sort of return to normality is difficult to cope with.

“There is no definite time-frame at the moment, but we are working towards bowlers getting back by mid-June, but that is just speculation on our part really,” said Sanderson.

“That is the end of the furlough period, and we could then start building up to maybe something after that.

“But that all depends on Government guidelines as well, and they are not really showing any signs of lifting just yet.

“For my part it is frustrating, and for picking up my fitness and stuff like that it is always helpful to have that goal to work towards at the end.

“We haven’t got that goal at the minute.”