Golden invite to ball of the year as Daventry Players return to roots at community centre after 20 years

Dust down suits and ballgowns for Cinderella at Daventry Community Centre

Daventry Players has made an emotional return back to their roots after 20 years.

Prepare for music, dancing, slapstick and all round silliness for the pantomime Cinderella at the recently upgraded Daventry Community Centre from April 8-10.

Kellie Hodgett, chairman of Daventry Players, said the last pantomime to be performed at the centre was Dick Whittington.

"We are back and with a bang with our all new and exciting pantomime Cinderella," she said.

"Walking through the doors and out onto the stage again after 20 years was very emotional and quite a few of the original members all got quite choked up reminiscing of the shows and years spent treading these boards."

Sue Hamp, administrator of Daventry Community Centre, said it is great to be working back with Daventry Players once more.

"I hope it's the start of many more shows to come," she added.

Show organisers would like to thank Daventry Community Centre for their support.

If you fancy joining Daventry Players as a performer or back stage crew, drop them an email or message on Facebook.

The pantomime is being performed on Friday, April 8 at 7.30pm; Saturday, April 9 at 2.30pm and 7.30pm and Sunday, April 10 at noon. Tickets are available by emailing or via Eventbrite Tickets are priced from £7.50.

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